These seven works of art were made during my weekly art making ritual that lasted seven weeks in which I was guided by Pat B. Allen's Intention Witness Process. My intention before engaging in art making was guided by my research question:
What is my lived and felt experience exploring and deconstructing my socio-cultural identity through art making informed by an intersectionality and postcolonial feminist lens?
Attached to each piece of art I have included little fragments of my imaginal dialogue.
Pedazos Rotos
"You seemed like a vessel, or perhaps a boat? A journey I am about to begin. A journey to the self. I feel scared. Are these pieces all part of you? Do I put them inside or outside? Once you dried, you broke, but I tried to repair you. I hope this wire holds you. I see you as fragile and broken."

Wrinkles' Map
"You have some many wrinkles. They represent my story. Your story is written in your body. Open you seemed like a map, a map that is hard to read. Now that you are dry, you do not look the same, are you?
Are wrinkles the story of my skin?"

Describe your image

Describe your image
Capas de Tejido
Tulle: soft, passive, delicate just as my gendered self. The threads of this fabric are like an open wound. What is underneath?

"Raw and organic clay in contrast to a sharp wire. Could it be an expression of modernity? I see many sides of you. You are malleable and also odd. What about these loose threads?"

Roots in the air. Are you grounded? Where is your sense of belonging?You start to disintegrate, yet you still grab hold of the piece of wood. You are so resilient".

Fragmented Nostalgia
"A shell from the ocean can hear the claim of reclaiming lost origins. These threads are hard to unravel, it takes time, I must be patient"

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image

Describe your image
Container of Fragments
I see you as a nest, what are you holding inside? Is that a broken piece of me that needs nurturing? You look more contained